Ah, search engine optimization is the elusive beast that we all want to tame. It’s a game of strategy, a dance with algorithms, and a challenge every online retailer faces. But fear not, my dear friend, for we are here to guide you through the depths of SEO in the digital marketing world.

SEO Work Flow

First and foremost, let us address the elephant in the room: keywords.
Keywords are the lifeblood of SEO, and in e-commerce, they are the keys to unlocking the treasure trove of online sales.

As the wise Neil Patel once said,

“Your keywords are like a compass for your SEO campaigns; they tell you where to go and whether or not you’re making progress.”

So, choose your keywords wisely, and let them lead you to success.

But how do you choose the right keywords for your e-commerce site? Well, you need to start by understanding your target audience. Who are they, what do they want, and how do they search for it?

As the great SEO guru Rand Fishkin once said,

“The best way to sell something – don’t sell anything. Earn the awareness, respect, and trust of those who might buy.”

You’ve Finally Found the Right SEO Company with Answers

Are you looking for a reliable SEO company to enhance your company’s online presence? Look no further than Brandz On Web! Our agency offers a diverse range of services to optimize your website and increase its traffic, including in-depth keyword research, effective on-page optimization, strategic link building, engaging content creation, and detailed analytics and reporting. With a tailored SEO strategy, we can help your company attain higher rankings on search engine results pages and attract more potential customers to your website. Trust in Brandz on web for all your SEO needs!


Search Engine Optimisation

Online presence is no more virtual now, it has become a reality, just a click away.

Once you have identified your audience, it’s time to start researching your keywords. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SE Mrush, or Ahrefs to find out what keywords your audience is searching for. But focus on more than just the high-volume keywords, which are often the most competitive. Instead, look for long-tail keywords with lower search volumes but more specific to your products.

As the brilliant Brian Dean once said,

“Long-tail keywords are like secret weapons for SEO.”

Now that you have your keywords optimizing your site is time. Start by optimizing your product pages with your chosen keywords, including them in your page titles, meta descriptions, and content. But remember, don’t overdo it.

As the legendary Matt Cutts once said,

“Try to make a site that is so fantastic you become an authority in your niche.”

Next up, it’s time to start building links to your site. As the wise Moz once said, “Links are the web’s currency.” So, reach out to other sites in your niche and try to build relationships with them. You can also try guest posting on other sites or creating infographics that people will want to link to. But again, don’t overdo it. 

As the brilliant John Mueller once said,

“The objective is not to ‘make your links appear natural’; the objective is that your links are natural.”

Last but not least, remember the user experience. 

Steve Jobs once said,

“You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology, not the other way around.”

Ensure your site is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and is mobile-friendly. 

As the genius Danny Sullivan once said,

“SEO is an endless process; it’s like peeling an onion layer by layer.”

Providing SEO Solutions to Solve Your Problems

Brandz on Web has a plethora of SEO services on offer to boost your company’s online visibility and draw in more traffic to your website. These include comprehensive keyword research, on-page optimization, robust link building, dynamic content creation, and detailed analytics and reporting. With a tailor-made SEO strategy in place, Brandz on Web can elevate your company’s search engine ranking, and attract an array of potential customers to your website.

SEO is not for the faint of heart, but it can be conquered with the right strategy and mindset. So, choose your keywords wisely, optimize your site, build links, and focus on the user experience. 

As the legendary Bruce Lee once said,

“Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”


Our SEO Services

Website Audit Report

A comprehensive analysis of your website to identify any technical or content-related issues that may be affecting your search engine rankings.

Keyword Research Report

A detailed report outlining the keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for, helping to inform your SEO strategy.

Baseline Report

An initial report that establishes a baseline for your website’s current search engine rankings and overall online visibility.

Initial SEO Content Report

A report that assesses the quality and relevance of your website’s existing content and identifies opportunities for improvement.

Sitemap Robots

A file that lists all the pages on your website to help search engines crawl and index your site more effectively.

Website Technical Report

An assessment of your website’s technical performance, including factors such as page speed and mobile responsiveness.

Website Speed Test

A test that measures your website’s loading time, an important factor in user experience and search engine rankings.

Broken Link Checker

A tool that identifies any broken links on your website, which can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings.

Google Places Map Optimization

Optimization of your Google Maps listing to improve local search rankings and drive more traffic to your business.

Article Marketing

Creation and distribution of high-quality articles to improve your website’s authority and attract backlinks.

Link Building to Articles

Building high-quality backlinks to your website by promoting your articles on relevant websites.

Internal Link Building

Linking to other pages within your website to improve user experience and boost search engine rankings.

RSS Feed Promotion

Promoting your website’s RSS feed to increase subscribers and improve visibility.

Social Bookmarking

Sharing your website’s content on social bookmarking websites to improve visibility and attract backlinks.

Building Campaign

A targeted link-building campaign to improve your website’s authority and search engine rankings.

Video Optimization

Optimization of your videos to improve visibility on platforms such as YouTube and attract more traffic to your website.

Image Optimisation

Optimization of your website’s images to improve page load speed and search engine rankings.


Regular reports that provide insights into your website’s performance and track progress towards your SEO goals.

Business Listing & Customer Review Websites

Optimizing your presence on business listing and customer review websites such as Yelp and Google My Business to improve local search rankings and attract more customers.


With a combination of technical expertise, creative content, and a little magic (okay, not actual magic, but we like to think we have some mystical powers). Our team of SEO wizards will analyze your website’s structure, content, and keywords to identify areas for improvement. Then, we’ll optimize your website to make it more appealing to search engines and users.

Whether crafting clever meta descriptions, writing blog posts that make you laugh, or creating viral memes, we’re always looking for ways to inject a little personality into our work. Because, let’s face it – SEO can be pretty dry stuff. But with us, it doesn’t have to be!

So, call us if you’re ready to take your website to the next level with the help of some seriously funny SEO experts. We promise we won’t disappoint and might make you laugh in the process!

But we don’t just stop there. We also track and analyze the results of our SEO efforts to ensure that they deliver the desired results. We make adjustments as needed to improve the performance of your website.

Unleash the Potential: Search Engine Optimization, a Stellar Investment

Picture this: a strategic pursuit that propels your online presence to dazzling heights, captivating audiences far and wide. It’s not just an investment; it’s a gateway to unlocking limitless opportunities.

In this realm where competition is fierce, SEO serves as your noble steed, propelling you ahead of the pack. Ascend the ranks of search engine results, and witness your adversaries fade into the shadows of obscurity. For in the eyes of users, those graced by the hallowed first page of results hold an aura of trust and credibility, solidifying your position as a true authority in your domain. To harness the full might of SEO, one must stay vigilant and attuned to the latest trends and best practices. Keep your knowledge sharp, adapt your strategies, and embrace the winds of change, for they hold the key to unlocking greater heights of success.

So, dare to embark on this grand adventure. Embrace the realm of Search Engine Optimization, where investments transcend the mundane, and the rewards are as vast as the digital horizons. Unleash the potential that lies within, and watch as your online kingdom thrives and flourishes, forever engraving your name in the annals of digital greatness.

Brandz on Web's Agile SEO Methodology

Let the Agile spirit infuse your digital journey. Join forces with Brandz on Web, where boundaries are shattered, and possibilities are endless. Prepare for a transformative experience that redefines your understanding of SEO, propelling you towards unprecedented heights of digital triumph. The future beckons, and Brandz on Web is ready to guide you towards a realm of limitless possibilities. 


  • Strategize: The journey begins with in-depth planning and strategy development. Brandz on Web collaborates closely with clients to understand their goals, target audience, and industry landscape. Through comprehensive keyword research and analysis, they identify valuable opportunities for optimization.
  • Sprint Planning: Based on the project objectives, Brandz on Web breaks down the work into manageable sprints. Each sprint focuses on specific SEO tasks and has a defined timeline for completion. This approach ensures a clear roadmap for progress and allows for flexibility in adapting to changing requirements.
  • Execution: With the sprint plan in place, the team at Brandz on Web dives into action. They collaborate effectively, utilizing their expertise to execute tasks within the designated sprint. Continuous communication ensures alignment and addresses any roadblocks encountered along the way.
  • Review and Analysis: At the end of each sprint, Brandz on Web conducts a thorough review and analysis of the completed tasks. They evaluate the outcomes, measure key performance indicators (KPIs), and gather data to assess the effectiveness of the implemented changes. This step provides valuable insights for optimization.
  • Adaptation and Optimization: Based on the review and analysis, Brandz on Web adapts and optimizes the SEO strategy. They leverage the gathered insights to refine keyword targeting, enhance content strategies, address technical issues, and adjust link-building approaches. This iterative process allows for continuous improvement.
  • Sprint Retrospective: Brandz on Web conducts a retrospective session after each sprint. The team reflects on the process, discusses successes, challenges, and areas for improvement. Lessons learned from each sprint contribute to refining and enhancing future iterations, fostering ongoing growth and success.
  • Iterative Excellence: Brandz on Web’s Agile SEO Methodology thrives on an iterative cycle of planning, execution, review, adaptation, and retrospective. This iterative approach ensures that the SEO strategy remains aligned with clients’ evolving needs and the dynamic nature of search engine algorithms.



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