360 Degree Virtual Tour (360 Degree Camera View Of Business, Insta 360 Degree Camera)
You may have come across the term 360 degree virtual tour, many times in your life. It certainly pertains to an all-around view of locations and properties as well. Virtual tours are the in-thing today, as people make purchase decisions, sitting miles away. Virtual tours can also help you to visit places, and give you the same in-person experience. Additionally, you can also make reservations at accommodations across the globe, without ever visiting the spot.
So, if you are interested to know more about this revolutionary technology, read on. A 360-degree virtual tour is a complete 360-degree view of a physical property. You will feel, as if you are at the location. Moreover, you can zoom in and zoom out, as well. Focusing on specific areas, is also possible.
More Insights On 360°-Degree Virtual Tours
Real estate firms are using this technology all too often today. And why not? Many non-resident Indians also seem to show interest in such programs, to buy and invest in properties. The tours are based on extremely high-resolution images, wherein one can see each and every nook and corner of the space. It is not just the real estate industry, which is taking leverage of such 360-degree virtual tours. Tourism, hotels, and amusement parks are also grabbing such technological advancements, to cater to the masses and niche audiences.
You should know more about the features here. There are certain things that have simply transformed, the way you probably look at a virtual tour.
- Google Maps – Using the Google Map interface, users can see where the property is located. So, it is extremely easy for you to find out, where it is and visit physically. Google Map Street View Virtual tours have become quite common today. The cursor actually becomes an arrow, which you can move around within the photo, and get hold of a more immersive view. Web-based virtual software are available aplenty, which you can utilize to create 360-degree virtual tours.
- Floor Plans – Now, property buyers can click on floor plans, and also move from one room to another in a 3D environment. You simply have to click on the floor plan, and the room pictures start opening up. Viewers can simply move the cursor or tap on the screen, to move around, and see the floors and walls closely as well. The best part about the 360-degree tour is that, it is completely seamless. AI-powered software generally inserts a lot of depth into the images, which are shot on normal 360-degree cameras or smartphones.
Additionally, you can also integrate voiceovers, so that the prospects for your business can communicate with you. Guides can also be embedded into the same technology, so as to give customers a seamless experience of the place, with the answers to FAQs.
Now, we will discuss why businesses should have this incorporated into their myriad offerings.
Reasons To Include 360°-Degree Virtual Tours In Your Business
- You can offer an interactive experience to the users of your services. Moreover, it is quite engaging, with users being able to navigate on their own, within the virtual environment. It is a highly effective way to promote your products and services in today’s competitive world. Furthermore, you will be able to create a memorable experience for your target audience. An AR headset can further improve the experience, by making the interaction more immersive.
- Another top benefit of 360-degree virtual tours, is that users can observe things from close quarters. There is a lot of detailing involved. This is more convenient for stakeholders, who cannot travel to the site of offerings. It gives them a bird’s eye view and enough confidence to invest in your products or services, without even physically touching them.
- Another benefit of such 360-degree virtual tours is that you get to access all the areas, without any problems. The service is more beneficial for people who have mobility issues and for areas that are inaccessible. This particularly applies to heritage sites, which may have a fragile ecosystem. So, the tourists may have to fulfil their wishes to see the exhibits, through a 360-degree virtual tour.
- Informative experience is also another crucial part of the tour. With advancements in technology, various multimedia elements are being added to such tours today. Some of the elements that you can explore are texts, sounds, animations, AR, and narratives. These elements further enhance engagement levels. Take the example of museum tours, where you can get to know about the complete background information, with timelines, and probably also travel to the olden times.
- The usage of 360-degree virtual tours can also depict your brand as a contemporary one that operates according to the needs of the era. Moreover, it helps the prospective customers to develop more trust towards your brand.
- If you are present online, then your search score also improves, with the incorporation of such inclusions. Listings which have virtual tours, get 40% more clicks, than ones which do not have the same. Your traffic and engagement will also increase manifold, if you include this in your online activities.
- When a website has 360-degree tours embedded, your sales also increase manifold. People get to experience the products and services from close quarters, as 3D is way better than 2D, any day.
Nowadays, almost every business is using this technology, to get ahead of the competitors in the market. The insta 360 degree camera is also quite popular today, and can help you shoot some of the best pictures around you. You can shoot pictures of your business establishment and post them online, or embed the same in Google listings. It also comes with an invisible selfie stick, which does not appear in the videos and pictures.
Now, you can edit the pictures or videos as well, right from the comfort of your home or office. So, what are you waiting for? Grab the opportunity and get one for your work, to get more clicks and footfalls.